Placed manually or ByExpert
Namespace: mtapi.mt5Assembly: mt5api (in mt5api.dll) Version: 5.3677.1.2
SyntaxPublic Enumeration PlacedType
public enum class PlacedType
MembersMember name | Value | Description |
Manually | 0 |
The deal was executed as a result of activation of an order placed from a desktop terminal
ByExpert | 1 |
The deal was executed as a result of activation of an order placed from an MQL5 program, i.e. an Expert Advisor or a script
ByDealer | 2 |
In this case API uses MT5API.PlacedType field during OrderSend and OrderClose
OnSL | 3 |
The deal was executed as a result of Stop Loss activation
Default | 3 | |
OnTP | 4 |
The deal was executed as a result of Take Profit activation
OnStopOut | 5 |
The deal was executed as a result of the Stop Out event
OnRollover | 6 |
The deal was executed due to a rollover
OnVmargin | 8 |
The deal was executed after charging the variation margin
Mobile | 16 |
The deal was executed as a result of activation of an order placed from a mobile application
Web | 17 |
The deal was executed as a result of activation of an order placed from the web platform
OnSplit | 18 |
The deal was executed after the split (price reduction) of an instrument, which had an open position during split announcement
See Also